Your personal, professional and financial situation can change at any time. So can your objectives, investment horizons and your readiness to assume risk. Ongoing digitalization is opening up new opportunities. An independent assessment of your assets will help you to evaluate your current position.
Understanding complex relationships
Especially when your circumstances change, we can advise you on a future-proof solution. You may wish to know, among other things,
- whether your total wealth is structured in a way that is compatible with your dreams and objectives,
- if there are unrecognized risks and whether you have an action plan for emergencies,
- whether your loans and mortgages are appropriate for your current situation,
- if you are aware of new opportunities for taking action in the field of digital banking and whether you should make use of them,
- whether your assets are sufficiently protected against inflation or deflation.
Confidence in achieving your objectives
Discussing your income, outgoings and planned investments creates transparency about your financial requirements. Analyzing your assets such as liquidity, pension provision, investments, real estate and loans will provide information about how your requirements can be financed. By evaluating your situation together, we can identify opportunities for optimization and new solutions, define measures to be taken and help you achieve your objectives sustainably.
Dependable solutions in times of change
With our support you receive:
- A clear assessment of your current financial situation and proposals for a suitable way of achieving your objectives.
- A jointly defined restructuring of your asset structure, achieving a good balance between liquidity, investments and borrowed capital.
- Optimization of the risk, profitability, taxes and fees on your total assets.
«With our expertise you can make your dreams come true.»
We will be glad to help you.
Your personal consultant:
Inga Urban
Senior Banker